That is so exquisite, so tantalizing to touch, that it demands pride of place on the coffee table in your family room.
That can be turned to any page, not just the first, and tell a story that grabs the reader, engages and reveals.
A book that imparts your life stories with compassion, humor, and love.
For the next generation and beyond. A book that reflects the life you have led, the memories that hold the most meaning, and the personal and family history you want to preserve.
Your life cannot be reduced to one single narrative, told from beginning to end. A straight chronology of your life story would be B-O-R-I-N-G, and, more importantly, miss the mark at conveying the essence of you.
That compels readers to say, “Remember when…” and “That’s just like the time….” That inspires them to relate, and to share their own stories.