How to Access Your Family History Kit for Kids

This oral history kit provides questions for kids to ask their grandparents about their family history and experiences—and it’s free for a limited time during the Covid-19 pandemic.

While The Kid Kit was offered for free during a limited time when social distancing was keeping us from our loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic, after two-plus years it is again for sale for just $5. Thank you for your support!

Updated Novembe 28, 2023.

THANK YOU for your interest in our Kid Kit!

It is more important than ever that we find meaningful ways to connect with our family elders.

This 20-page guide is chock-full of good things to help you get your kids involved in capturing stories from their grandparents!

Designed especially for kids ages 8 and up (and we mean way up—you’re never too old to embark on a conversation with your loved ones!), the e-book includes:

• 45 family history questions
• 3 fun bonus activities
• interview recording tips
• historical timeline
• ideas for what to do post-interview

That’s a ton of value for just $5. Are you ready to connect across generations?